Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tenant Rights in North Carolina

I have been exposed to the dark side of being a renter.  We have owned before, but when we moved down to North Carolina, we became renters.  We have never had the type of problems from a landlord in our 21 years of marriage as we have since moving in our current home.  We rented before we bought in Iowa and in North Carolina.  Our last lease lasted over five years.

It is incredible the amount of retaliatory action she has inflicted on us. She will accuse of us damaging the property when we have been asking her to repair something that was wrong before we moved in.  Then she will threaten to evict us for demanding these repairs be fixed.  Some have taken over 90 days to be repaired and some still are not done.

She threatened eviction because I would not sign an inspection report I did not participate in.  She stood over me and shook her finger in my face demanding me to sign it.  No matter how many times I said 'no, I will not sign something I did not participate in" she still threatened eviction.  I had to print out a paper explaining that she cannot threaten eviction for demanding repairs to be done.

She has accused me of things that the video tape clearing demonstrates was not done.  She has threatened to call the police on me for talking to her.  She began the conversation with "hi Dannett".  Then accused us of not moving our cars per her email and her text messages.  Guess what?  She never sent an email or a text to move the cars to clean the yard.  But our vehicles were not in her way to clean the construction debris and garbage she has left in our yard since we moved in.  She asked for a list of repairs that I have been sending her all week long.  Then when I printed a copy and tried to give it to her I was "attacking" her.  Again, video shows that I did not do such a thing.  But she didn't seem to pay attention to it.  She had come that day to call the cops on me and she was going to do so.

She did.  He sided with us.  She has no right to enter our home without knocking.  While we are paying rent, we have the right to say who can come into the home without knocking.  A landlord who threatens eviction for everything and accuses us of doing damage to the property when she has photographs of the condition that supports our requests and not her accusations, should not be allowed in the home.  The police officer she requested be sent to the home did what he was suppose to do.  He mediated the situation and found a resolution that all could abide by.  She agreed to it.  Then she denied it even took place.

The constant emails are horrific enough, but when she was calling me in the beginning it was more than a person could possibly find reasonable.  She was upset that I would take a call from my college aged son who does not call anyone over listening to her excuses as to why she was not repairing what needed to be repaired.

It is more than just venting here.  If you are a renter, find out what the landlord can do and what the landlord cannot do.  Just because they own the property, it does not mean that the landlord can make threats, refuse repairs or harass you.  Seek restitution and justice.  NO landlord has the right to screw with you and your family in the home you are paying for to live in.

This issue is not resolved.  She emailed us yet again today telling us that we have to be out of this home by April 1, 2011 at midnight.  See, the thing is, it is not legal for her to email an eviction to us.  It has to be done by the court system.  We have the right to show our evidence that this landlord has a history of threatening us, coercion attempts with threats of eviction and other harassing measures.  We have the right to fight this in court and will do so.  No landlord will threaten me and my family because we are asking for repairs to be done.  NO landlord will try to intimidate me by emailing eviction notices to me.  If you rent, study the law.  Legal Aid society is a good place to start.  Their website has a easy to read and understand Landlord Tenant rights and responsibility pamphlet you can access online.  Your state will have a packet of information on what a landlord can and cannot do to you as a renter.  Know your rights, stand up for your rights.  It is not hard.  I have a stomach that will not stop churning, I am not able to sleep, I am running on adrenaline,  I am angry and my husband and I are screaming at each other because of her making us so mad.  But we have to hold her accountable for what she is doing no matter how ugly it may get.  She cannot do this to me and my family and your landlord should not be doing it to you.

Taking Care of the Written Word,


  1. Dannett,
    I am so sorry that this is happening to y'all! I will be praying.

  2. Thanks Sally. We need all the prayers we can get! Dannielyn
