Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stockpiling Moms

I have to admit that I do love to get freebies and samples in the mail.  In fact, it is nearly an obsession of mine.  The thrill of the hunt, the magic of timing for the offers and the wait for the mail is intoxicating.  Coupons are another great thrill for me.  I love when I am able to get something for nothing or next to nothing.  But then I look at the blogs and emails I receive from freebie, samples and coupon clipping mothers.  I read some of their shopping stories and wonder, why did they need to buy all of that stuff?  What are they going to do with it?  What about the excess?

I imagine you are beginning to think that I am a hypocrite.  I am nearly obsessed with my freebies and samples and so totally taken by my couponing, how could I judge another person.  Well, judge I am not.  I simply wonder.  I know some of them save for later occasions such as next Christmas, birthdays and the like.  I know that some of them have a number of family members and that is how they do their shopping.  I know that some of them give the items away to readers.  YEAH!!! but I don't.  Here is what I do.

Mother's To Be Go Bags
I made up a bag for a friend from church who was going to be having their second child.  I got a small fabric bag from Target a long time ago.  I never used it.  It was a little bigger than a half a sheet of paper.  I put the following items in the bag: 2 bottles of water (for dad), 2 zone perfect bars I had a coupon for and only paid 50 cents for both (for dad), shampoo and conditioner for mom and dad (samples) , 2 toothbrushes (free from dentist), toothpaste (sample), men's razor (free sample), shaving cream (free sample), tissues (free sample), nail file (free sample), lotion (free sample), face cleanser (free with coupon), body wash for mom (free with coupon), body wash for dad (free sample), chap stick (free with coupon) and a small puff for the wash (free with purchase).

This mother had not made her bag at the time that I gave it to her.  It was about 3-4 weeks before she was due.  She loved it.  Best of all, she loved how it was nearly all free.  I have begun to do this for all the mom's to be at our church.  My little ministry.  I might change up a few things depending on my samples and coupons that I have available to me.  But I love to make these little bags up.  In fact, I found some cloth diapers or burp clothes that are designed for boys or girls and have folded it in half and sewn it up and put a ribbon handle on it and of course, the clothes and the ribbon was next to nothing with clearance prices and coupons.

I also love to make little college care packages.  My oldest son is in college and a high school friend lives on the floor below him.  I make him a care package and send along some of my great deals for her.  I had an opportunity to pick up a full size Nivea body wash with a smaller size attached.  I had a coupon for $3 off the full size and Target had them clearance priced at $3.50.  For 50 cents I had a large and small body wash.  Luckily I had four of those coupons and was able to get four of those great sets.  She is set for body wash for quite some time.  

Filling out the samples that a college student would love with their address is another great way to share the love of the samples and freebies.  I have sent constitution copies to my history buff son, poetry posters, texting kills rings, cheez-its, planters coupons for free nuts, Kleenex samples that he ended up giving to Julia and he loves it.  It is mail he is not expecting and it is something cool and unique.

But the best one has to be giving your samples to food pantries.  I have received diabetic coupons for free meters that I give to the food pantry where I volunteer.  So many of the clients do not have one that is easy for them to use.  They aren't always aware that they can get a new one.  Samples of formula are always needed for moms who are struggling to obtain formula and food to feed a baby.  I have gotten t-shirts that I didn't need and took them to the clothing closet.  Someone would love to have a new t-shirt to keep them warm.  I receive printed information that I donate for a resource library for staff.

I enjoy these opportunities to share the wealth. I hope you are able to sue these ideas to share the wealth with other!

Taking care of the written word,

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