Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cashing in on Breast Cancer: A Woman Sentenced to Jail for Breast Cancer Hoax

For Many Women Who Have Breast Cancer This Behavior is Outrageous

Many women who have a diagnosis of breast cancer find themselves in a fight for their lives. Many do not have a large support system or financial resources to assist them. One woman cashes in on others sympathy and money for a diagnosis she does not have.

Breast cancer is a terrifying disease that not only can take a life but take away a woman's sense of femininity and in many cases their identity. Chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and reconstruction takes time and it takes a great amount of money for the average patient to receive treatment for their breast cancer. Time is missed at work to have the tests, surgeries, treatments and recovery that are necessary. It is easy to say that breast cancer affects more than just the patient and her immediate family. It can affect the larger community. It is for this reason that the behavior of Keele Maynor is so offensive to so many individuals, families, businesses and organizations affected by breast cancer.

Keele Maynor is a 39-year-old resident of Chattanooga, Tennessee who faked a breast cancer diagnosis. Maynor did this not to garner merely sympathy from family, friends and co-workers, but to receive money, sick leave donations and support services. This generosity was granted to Maynor under the belief that they would be helping a woman who was in dire need for help and support.

Maynor worked for the city of Chattanooga and was given thousands of dollars of sick leave from co-workers, donations, therapies and services that are often in short supply for real cancer patients from cancer support groups. Maynor sent an email upon leaving the city job that her 2008 cancer experience was a "charade". She asked the judge to give her only probation so she could pay back the money that she "stole" by working during the probation. However, the judge sentenced her to three and one half years in jail, 10 years probation and a fine of $54,000.

The are so many questions that need to be answered about what would motivate this woman to steal from her co-workers and others. But mostly the question surrounding how she could do this to women who do in fact have breast cancer? This is so difficult to understand why someone would take advantage of others who have a desire to help when breast cancer is involved. Then to make matters worse, act like it was no big deal when leaving the position that offered you support and financial resources by letting people know it was a charade. For the mother of young children who is looking at chemotherapy, surgeries and sleepless nights from worry about what will happen to her life and to her children's life this is outrageous.

Look at Elizabeth Edwards. She has financial resources to pay for her treatments yet she is in stage four breast cancer. She has two young children she may not see grow up to adulthood. She lives each day knowing that the cancer is spreading throughout her body. She lives each day knowing that something could change at the last moment and take her life immediately.

Maybe the jail time is not enough. An idea that has been floating around would be adding mandatory five to ten years of hands on volunteering for breast cancer patients. It may be a great opportunity to see what she really took from others by taking money and services for something she did not have. Maynor needs to see what she really did to these patients, volunteers and service agencies.

Associated Press, Chattanooga, TN, Associated Press

Autism Should Not Be Seen as a Death Sentence: Mother Kills Her Children Because They Have Autism

A mother in Irving, Texas strangled her 5-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter because they were autistic and she wanted normal children. Autism should not be considered a death sentence. There are treatments and services that can help.

A mother in Irving, Texas made a decision to take the lives of her children because the children were not 'normal'. Saiqa Akhter, 30-years-old tried to feed her 5-year-old son Zain and 2-year-old daughter Faraal bathroom cleaner to kill them, but the children refused to drink the chemicals. Akhter took a wire and wrapped it around her children's throats to kill them.

Zain was pronounced dead at the hospital after his blue body was found in a bedroom in his home. His sister was placed on life support but later taken off life support and pronounced dead. Their young lives were extinguished before they were able to begin to live all because of a disorder that is often unfamiliar to the general public as to what it is and the affects on the individual and family.

Autism is a spectrum disorder. This means simply that the individual with autism can be affected in one of the following categories: Asperger's, mild, moderate, severe and profound. Asperger's syndrome is still a form of autism but is in a relative sense, very mild form of autism. The child with Asperger's may appear to be a little professor. They have great knowledge about certain topics. However, this disorder also means that the child has obsessions about certain objects, executive function issues and other issues such as social awkwardness.
Each of the remaining degrees of autism builds on these issues and limits the ability for the child with autism to communicate with others. There is also limits in which the child with autism can take cEven with the limits mentioned, there are many tasks that a child with autism can accomplish as well as many tasks that can be learned by the child with an autism diagnosis.

There are agencies in nearly every community that can assist parents in this process of teaching, reteaching, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and respite services. These services will allow the parent time away from the child as an opportunity to take care of their own needs as well as give them time to pursue relaxation and stress relieving activities.

There are financial resources that are available to children with a diagnosis of autism that will allow them to have these services as well as any supplemental devices to enable the child to live life to the fullest. Schools have programs for students with developmental disorders and offer great success in assisting children to learn as much as they can.

There is absolutely no reason for a mother to kill her children simply because they have autism. It may not be an ideal situation, but it is a situation that can be made easier for the individuals and families involved. These children did not deserve to be killed because of a disorder that was not ask for but simply occurred.

James Rose, News, Fox NewsFil Alvarado, News, Fox News
Autism Speaks, Home Page, Autism Speaks

Loop Hole Should Be Included in Our Immigration Laws for Those Illegal Immigrants Leaving for Their Homeland

Avoiding Prosecution and Detainment in Order to Return Home
If we want to encourage illegal immigrants to return to their home on their own it may be necessary to place a loophole in our immigration laws to encourage this act. But will the illegal immigrants actually leave?

The immigration issue has been heating up for quite some time in Arizona. The passage of Arizona's immigration laws has brought national attention to the issue that is at an all time high in Arizona. The poor economy has made this issue not just an immigration problem but an economic problem. The economy in Arizona has been greatly affected by the nations economic issues and that has made jobs in Arizona difficult to come by. Illegal immigrants have been blamed for the lack of jobs available in Arizona, it does not matter if that is true or not, it is what the common belief is in the state. Illegal immigrants have not been able to find enough work and some have taken to returning back to Mexico.

It is the belief of an anti-illegal immigration group, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) that these illegal immigrants would return to their homelands if there were able to receive safe transportation across the border without the fear of detainment and prosecution for illegal immigration violations. To be clear, the safe transportation does not necessarily mean that the United States or Mexico would arrange and provide vehicle transportation from one country to another country. It means simply that the border between the two countries would provide an opening in the border that would be designated for the safe return to Mexico. The safe return to Mexico opening in the border would eliminate the risk of desert crossings and hiring third parties to smuggle the illegal immigrants across the borders.

ALIPAC is focusing on pressuring the White House to consider a loop hole in the immigration laws to allow for this type of border amnesty for those illegal immigrants to return to Mexico. The question that must be asked is if this would actually work for the safe return to Mexico? There have been an estimated 100,000 illegal immigrants in the last two years that have left Arizona. It would have been great to know if the 100,000 illegal immigrants returned to Mexico or if these individuals moved on to other states to find a source of income.

It is difficult to determine this as there are very few records of these illegal immigrants available. That is part of the increasing problem. Despite the Department of Homeland Security reporting that the illegal immigrant problem in Arizona being as high as 560,000 in 2008 and 460,000 in 2009 the actual numbers may be significantly greater or significantly less than what was reported. That is a significant part of the problem.

Despite the economy being incredibly unstable for tax paying Americans who are eligible to receive services to assist them during this time, there is very little to offer the illegal immigrants. Yet there are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants still in the United States. Will an open door policy to exit without detainment or criminal charges actually change the illegal immigrants decision to come to the United States?

But there is something else that needs to be brought up for consideration that is quite literally hidden in the obvious statement of how many immigrants that are in the state of Arizona and the entire United States. If the Department of Homeland Security is able to report the numbers of illegal immigrants in Arizona and the United States as a whole, then why are they still in this country? Politics FOX NEWS

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cleaning for a Reason, Cleaning Homes of Cancer Patients


You never know if you will be diagnosed with cancer, but when you do receive this diagnosis there is so much that you have to do.  Cleaning your house should not be one of those things.  Cleaning for a Reason will help you in this area of your life.  Check this site out and share it with anyone you hear has a cancer diagnosis.  This is much needed help for cancer patients.

Taking Care of the Written Word,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Despite Athletic Abilities Required... | Gather

Despite Athletic Abilities Required... | Gather

Mom Kills Kids, She Wants Normal Ones | Gather

Mom Kills Kids, She Wants Normal Ones | Gather

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Turn Around Is Fair Play, Mel Gibson's Ex... | Gather

Turn Around Is Fair Play, Mel Gibson's Ex... | Gather

An Incredible Adventure For Sunday Sail, 40-Ton... | Gather

An Incredible Adventure For Sunday Sail, 40-Ton... | Gather

Tweens and Teens Need Immunizations as Much as Infants and Toddlers, But Less Than Half of this Age Group Receives the Vaccinations They Need

When my boys were 1 and nearly 4-years-old the chicken pox vaccine came out. Their pediatrician explained the benefits of the vaccine versus the complications of chicken pox. My husband had a base case of chicken pox and shortly after our second son was born had shingles. I also had a very serious case of chicken pox as a child. I did not have to be told twice that the vaccine was available. The boys were given the vaccine. My friends chose not to vaccinate their children and suffered for weeks with chicken pox.

Whenever a new vaccine or a recommendation change for a vaccine is made public I have a conversation about it to my children's physicians. It is important to me to do everything that I can for their health and that includes having the vaccinations up to date. It is one of the most important task I can do for my children.  

My oldest son will be heading off to college very soon, just a few weeks. I have been planning this for some time and that includes Meningococcal vaccine, Pertussis (Whooping Cough) as well as Tetanus and Diphtheria booster. My younger son is also being prepared for adulthood with this series of immunizations.  

I have boys, but there is a vaccine that is very necessary for young girls on up to their early 20's that is a must have for their future health. The HPV vaccine or as it is also known as the human papillomavirus. HPV can lead to cervical cancer and infertility. A few of my friends with daughters were unsure about this vaccine as it sounds like it is a permission vaccine for girls to have sex. I pointed out research that states that even if a girl was a virgin upon her wedding day and her husband was not, she could be infected with HPV by her husband and develop cervical cancer. It is not a permission slip but a life saving vaccine.  

It is no different than if you vaccinate your child from tetanus. You do not want your child to walk on rusty nails, but you will do all you can to protect your child if he does by being immunized from the disease. You want to make sure your child is protected into adulthood from all the diseases that have taken lives of others who were unprotected from these diseases. Vaccinations is the best choice you can make for your infant, toddler, school age, pre-teen and teenager.

Money should not be an issue when it comes to making sure that your child is immunized. There are many agencies that will offer free immunizations for children. Here is some great information for you to check out that will give you what you need to make sure your children are safe inside and out.
For families with health insurance, all or most of the cost of vaccines is usually covered.  For families without insurance, children age 18 and younger may be eligible to get the vaccines for free through the Vaccines for Children program (VFC). Why Do Pre-teens and Adolescents Need Immunizations?

Call 800-CDC-INFO or visit for more information.

Taking care of the written word,
Copyright Dannett Frey, Taking Care of the Written Word, 2010, all rights reserved

I am writing this post as part of a CDC blogger outreach program. I may receive a small thank you gift from the CDC for my participation in raising awareness about pre-teen immunizations.

Shirley Sherrod, Tom Vilsack, NAACP, Obama... | Gather

Shirley Sherrod, Tom Vilsack, NAACP, Obama... | Gather

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"No Soup For You!" The Soup Man Seinfeld Made... | Gather

"No Soup For You!" The Soup Man Seinfeld Made... | Gather

There Are 2 1/2 Million Jobless Americans... | Gather

There Are 2 1/2 Million Jobless Americans... | Gather

Kathy Griffin Caused Great Discussion on ABC's... | Gather

Kathy Griffin Caused Great Discussion on ABC's... | Gather

Geek Dad, a Great Book for Dad, Kids and Grandfathers

I was given the book "Geek Dad" by Ken Denmead to read and review.  I was not sure what to expect from this book and was very excited to have the opportunity.  I dived into the book and was surprised by all of the great activities that could be done with children.  My boys are 15 and 18-year-old.  I looked at this book first as a mother of teen boys and then I ventured into that great unknown of grandparenthood.

I will be the first to admit that I am not ready to be a grandmother yet.  While I am older than my mother when she became a grandmother, I am just not there yet.  Neither are my boys.  I have one just entering his first year of college and one a sophomore in high school.  But I thought about that time when we would have little grandchildren come to this home and visit with me and grandpa.  This is where I felt this book was absolutely perfect.  Grandpas!

I asked a friend of mine who has four children all grown and three of the four married and three granddaughters.  I asked if she felt this book would be good for grandpa to find something fun and educational for his granddaughters and him to bond while completing an activity.  She looked over the book and found some she wanted to have grandpa try.

We got together and I learned about what this grandpa thought about this book and the activities that are found inside.  I found the granddaughters at the house and they shared with me how much fun this time was for them.  The girls are two, three and four.  The first one they tried was flying a kite at night.  Then they made cuff links for their dads. A coloring book for the two year old was made and the three and four year old made the dot to dot books.  Then they made an ABC's at Grandma's House book.  This ABC book was a variation that they made up from the one in the book.  It made more sense than Superhero's since he was working with girls.  The loved going from room to room to find out what Grandma had for each letter.

Ok, the activities took four days to complete, but that was alright since the girls were with them all day and night for four days.  They loved it, grandpa loved it, grandma loved it and the parents loved having some great memories for their daughters with their grandpa.

So, I guess I would have to say that the name of "Geek Dad" does not do the book complete justice as dads and grandpas that are not really geeks can have great fun with this book too!

Taking Care of the Written Word,
Copyright Dannett Frey, Taking Care of the Written Word, 2010 all rights reserved

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

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Friday, July 16, 2010

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Monday, July 12, 2010

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Famous Mobster Mickey Spillane's Son Bobby Fell... | Gather

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I changed the landscape of my home with glue dots

I love to do scrap-booking, crafts, sewing and other great craft ideas. My teenage boys will occasionally humor me and spend time scrap-booking or helping me do some type of craft project for homecoming dances.  Last fall we made a dragon for homecoming dance decorations.  So when I was looking at something to do with the boys (15 and 18) with the glue dots.  

We made some cards for the youngest son's friend who was having a birthday real soon.  That was a lot of fun.  My oldest and I spent some time making some thank you notes with the glue dots that really looked good.  My husband used the glue dots to keep the satellite dish box sitting on the top of the television.  But what I am most proud about is the quick change I was able to make in my dining room with the glue dots.  

The dining room windows have a wonderful view of outside that I had to cover with blinds.  So I was getting the house ready for company and thought I needed to do something different so that the sun won't be causing my guests to be blinded and sweating.  The blinds that are on the window are soooo boring.  

I had a tablecloth that I did not use of a celery green and picked up two inexpensive panels.  I had some grape vines and grapes that would look good on top of the window and added it all together.  Before I made a commitment to getting the rods and end pieces I wanted to see if it would cause my beautiful view to be permanently obstructed.  So I decided to use the removable glue dots to hold the "elements" of the window treatment up.  I had my boys help me hold them up and press on the glue dots while I worked on the next section. And well, here it is.  
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Glue Dots blogging contest to be eligible to receive a $30 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.” 

Taking Care of the Written Word, 

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Friday, July 9, 2010

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Shield, A Family of Blue Helps Kyron Hormon's... | Gather

A Shield, A Family of Blue Helps Kyron Hormon's... | Gather

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How Tall Should a Woman Be to Have Children? A... | Gather

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Bolivar, Texas Has a New Arrival from the Oil... | Gather

Bolivar, Texas Has a New Arrival from the Oil... | Gather

And the Award for Most Embarrassing Americans... | Gather

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A Club Brawl May Cost "Jersey Shore" Stars $75... | Gather

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Four Times a Charm, Joey Chestnut Wins Fourth... | Gather

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California Faces Nearly 1000 Cases of Whooping... | Gather

California Faces Nearly 1000 Cases of Whooping... | Gather

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Weekend of Constant Partying Before Lindsay... | Gather

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Melissa Etheridge Blindsided Tammy Lynn... | Gather

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The Whale: Gulf Oil Spill Make Receive Some... | Gather

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General Petraeus Takes Command of U.S. and NATO... | Gather

Saturday, July 3, 2010

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Melissa Etheridge Splits with Girlfriend in... | Gather

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Illinois Takes California's Status as the... | Gather

Heather Locklear Finishes 30 Day In Patient... | Gather

Heather Locklear Finishes 30 Day In Patient... | Gather

Relaxing Holiday Weekend Ends for Groom in a... | Gather

Relaxing Holiday Weekend Ends for Groom in a... | Gather

Frozen Girlfriend Found After New Zealand Drug... | Gather

Frozen Girlfriend Found After New Zealand Drug... | Gather

Mel Gibson Has A Fundamental Character Flaw... | Gather

Mel Gibson Has A Fundamental Character Flaw... | Gather

California's Calexico is 31 Inches Closer to... | Gather

California's Calexico is 31 Inches Closer to... | Gather

Elizabeth Edwards Moving On with Life After... | Gather

Elizabeth Edwards Moving On with Life After... | Gather

Friday, July 2, 2010

Sandra Bullock Officially a Single Mom, Neither... | Gather

Sandra Bullock Officially a Single Mom, Neither... | Gather

"A War of Obama's Choosing" Michael Steele... | Gather

"A War of Obama's Choosing" Michael Steele... | Gather

Tragic Accident or Racially Motivated: Unarmed... | Gather

Tragic Accident or Racially Motivated: Unarmed... | Gather

Even in South Africa Paris Hilton Receives... | Gather

Even in South Africa Paris Hilton Receives... | Gather

Even in South Africa Paris Hilton Receives... | Gather

Even in South Africa Paris Hilton Receives... | Gather

Vienna Girardi and Jake Pavlka Sound Off, But... | Gather

Vienna Girardi and Jake Pavlka Sound Off, But... | Gather

State Workers in California Can Be Paid Federal... | Gather

State Workers in California Can Be Paid Federal... | Gather

Job Recovery Stalling, Do Not Let the Numbers... | Gather

Job Recovery Stalling, Do Not Let the Numbers... | Gather

Wedding Crashers Take More Than Free Food and... | Gather

Wedding Crashers Take More Than Free Food and... | Gather

Wanna Know if Your Man is a Virgin? Ear-Based... | Gather

Wanna Know if Your Man is a Virgin? Ear-Based... | Gather

And the Blind Shall Drive, Research Being Done... | Gather

And the Blind Shall Drive, Research Being Done... | Gather

Jaycee Dugard Award $20 Million From California... | Gather

Jaycee Dugard Award $20 Million From California... | Gather

This Weekend is the Deadliest Weekend for... | Gather

This Weekend is the Deadliest Weekend for... | Gather

Ferris Bueller's Jeffrey Jones a Forgetful Sex... | Gather

Ferris Bueller's Jeffrey Jones a Forgetful Sex... | Gather

Kristen Stewart Fears Being Assassinated on the... | Gather

Kristen Stewart Fears Being Assassinated on the... | Gather

Harry Potter Star Has Family Members Threaten... | Gather

Harry Potter Star Has Family Members Threaten... | Gather

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Abercrombie Let Bed Bugs Bite in Their New York... | Gather

Abercrombie Let Bed Bugs Bite in Their New York... | Gather

Elian Gonzales A Boy Loved Dearly By Both... | Gather

Elian Gonzales A Boy Loved Dearly By Both... | Gather

Elian Gonzales A Boy Loved Dearly By Both... | Gather

Elian Gonzales A Boy Loved Dearly By Both... | Gather

Man Arrested After Showering: Not Cleanliness... | Gather

Man Arrested After Showering: Not Cleanliness... | Gather

Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Passionately Pink... | Gather

Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Passionately Pink... | Gather

A Policy Violation Causes a Child Rape Case to... | Gather

A Policy Violation Causes a Child Rape Case to... | Gather

Abbi Obermiller Found In Attic, Could Not... | Gather

Abbi Obermiller Found In Attic, Could Not... | Gather

Lenny Kravitz and Choir "Fly Away" Together... | Gather

Lenny Kravitz and Choir "Fly Away" Together... | Gather

Pretty in Pink: Breast Cancer Facts, Lumps and... | Gather

Pretty in Pink: Breast Cancer Facts, Lumps and... | Gather

Pretty in Pink: Breast Cancer Facts, Lumps and... | Gather

Pretty in Pink: Breast Cancer Facts, Lumps and... | Gather

Sasha Rodriguez, 15, Died, Drug Overdose, Rave,... | Gather

Sasha Rodriguez, 15, Died, Drug Overdose, Rave,... | Gather

Angela, the Prudish Character on the... | Gather

Angela, the Prudish Character on the... | Gather

Lindsay Lohan Is Sued For Fraud by Church, Will... | Gather

Lindsay Lohan Is Sued For Fraud by Church, Will... | Gather

Pretty In Pink: Taking a Stand For Your Breast! | Gather

Pretty In Pink: Taking a Stand For Your Breast! | Gather

Pretty in Pink: Breast Cancer Risk Factors,... | Gather

Pretty in Pink: Breast Cancer Risk Factors,... | Gather