Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thoughts and Ramblings about Kids and Family and Real Housewives

I sent my oldest son back to college yesterday and just in time too. He loves to do things that irritate me like not putting the beverage he just poured a glass of back into the fridge. Now, everyone knows that there is nothing worse than having a warm beverage when you are expecting the milk or lemonade to be cold. Then he leaves 'stuff' on his bed, floor, and everywhere he wandered the entire visit home. When asked to pick up after himself, he looks at me as if I was crazy. Yep, I love that boy of mine and miss him when he is gone, but man-o-man, I am so glad he goes back home.

Nonetheless, we are blessed with a great family. Mike and Tony suffered through my Real Housewives of New Jersey phase. Now between you and me, I am hoping that Teresa does not return next year because she is nothing but a narcissistic trouble maker. She has to have all the attention on her and if it does not come naturally she causes issues to develop to bring the attention back to her. She is raising four young daughters that have no idea how to behave due to the ineffective parenting and the example she and her husband are giving them. I look at my family and compare the family to the families on the Real Housewives and I realize that the problems with the families on the shows comes from the desire to have all the attention. I have to say, the only family that does not have real serious problems aired on the television is Carolyn's family. Her son Christopher has really changed as the camera has been focused more on him this season and is rather obnoxious but overall, their family appears normal. Joe from Joe and Melissa really needs to come down a few notches in his narcissism, he is well on his way to being very much like his sister Teresa, which is annoying. I wonder if they will change the title of the program to the Real Families of New Jersey since several husbands seem to need to have a ton of attention on them as well as their wives. Then Ashley or Ashlee, Jacqueline's daughter really should be kicked out of the house and fend for herself. Chris is not doing her any favors by allowing her to stay and bring drama on the house. She loves the attention and I swear if she was my daughter, the first time she called me a _ _ _ _ _ she would be out of the house and feeling the effects of calling me that.

On Monday nights, I have been watching Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I feel bad for Taylor, do not have a great impression of Dana (I have to announce how much everything costs so everyone knows I am playing rich), feel sorry for Brandi trying to impress others and being treated like a disease, Lisa needs to stop making out with her dog as it is too gross for words, Camille thinks too much of her body and should seriously reign it in if she is looking for another man. I mean leave a little to the imagination, the hot tub scene last season where she showed most of her body to a friend of Kelsey's and the cameras. Kyle is very much in denial about whatever it is going on with her sister. The number of phone calls that she sounded completely wasted, her odd behavior, and her avoidance of social situations. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, it could be drugs, alcohol, or it could be prescription medications causing the problems but shouldn't someone related to that show address the issue with Kim. Her quality of life is at stake as well as her reputation.

So, what does this have to do with my family. I watch these shows and I think how normal my family is. My youngest son loves his brother and they fight when they are together in a playing manner. Both my boys are slobs in their rooms, but they do not do drugs, drink, or smoke. They are doing well in school, heck, Andy was listed at the beginning of the year at 12th in his class. Both are civic minded, help others, involved in sports and other school activities. Their biggest act of rebellion to date is not putting their dishes in the dishwasher and having a messy room. I am blessed as a parent.

Taking care of the written word,

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