Monday, October 3, 2011

Lois Decky, Survival Mode101, Living the Life You Are Blessed With

I met Lois and her husband when they began volunteering at a local food bank. This lady is a powerhouse in a great way. She is a prayer warrior, frugal and willing to be open to all who she comes in contact with on a daily basis. I am not surprised she wrote the book she did. A book about how to survive life, not the life full of drama you see on the television reality shows, but the real life you and I live in. Survival Mode 101.

I looked over her website Survival Mode with Gramma Lois and am rather impressed with the message she is sharing with all those who are looking to save money.  Here is her words "I have a burning desire to share what I've learned through many years of cutting corners, "making do", repairing home and car problems on our own, learning to shop wisely by use of ads and coupons, stretching food as far as is humanly possible as well as numerous other ways of saving by spending less, budgeting and stockpiling. I firmly believe we must all help each other by sharing whatever information each of us has so we can make it through these extremely difficult times". 

Now, I do my share of clipping coupons and saving a ton of money at the grocery stores. I am constantly going to my mail box and opening the great full size and samples and coupons for free things. I believe I know quite a bit about these things and keep all of it in moderation compared to the "Extreme Couponers" seen on television. I am excited to see someone with knowledge, experience, and willingness to share her wisdom do so for the average person who is not seeking to become a hoarder but simply surviving in this economic situation we have been in for the past several years.

I hope you will check out her site and buy her book. She is an incredible lady with an incredible story to tell us all on how to survive when we feel we are at the very end of our financial and emotional rope.

Taking care of the written word,

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