Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Scents Filling the House

Garlic GarlicYesterday I began browning and simmering some roast letting the bits and pieces of the meat brown on the bottom of the pan make some great flavor. I deglazed the pan with some beef broth and then added a good helping of Garlic Garlic. I let the meat simmer in the broth and spices for a good five hours then added some rustic noodles and made some mashed potatoes, buttered carrots, warmed applesauce with cinnamon to serve with the Bountiful Beer Bread. It was a wonderful meal that left the house smelling delicious the entire day and night. Unfortunately, I couldn't smell the spices coming for the Nana's Apple Cake I made because of the delicious garlic aroma circling throughout the house.

When I went outside to head to the mailbox and wandered back into the house I was thrilled to remember many other times I used Garlic Garlic and the house felt welcoming. Yesterday I said that many memories many of us have are made around food. Sometimes the memories are simply smells that brings you to another time and place, but not a specific event. Garlic is one of those scents I love because it means a meal of substance is being made. A meal that will require time to sit down and enjoy. That means there is time for conversation and laughter. Whether it is a dinner of Italian favorites, Mexican, or simple comfort food like we had last night, it is a meal to be savored with family.

What is your favorite food scent that brings all kinds of memories to mind?

Taking care of the written word,

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