Sunday, July 17, 2011

Juice in the City

What is the difference between Juice in the City and other daily deal sites? The main difference and truly the only difference that matters, Juice in the City deals are the best local deals found by moms for moms.

Who are we kidding when we say that it does not matter if a mom finds a cool deal for other moms to benefit from? Consider the number of mommy blogging sites that are constantly tell you of this freebie, this great deal, or this activity, restaurant, service that we can benefit from that we subscribe too!

Personally, I have subscribed to a number of mommy blogging sites that are good, but repetitive in their information and frankly, some of it does not really apply to me. So, you ask, why am I talking about Juice in the City? How is it different from what you have read about from other daily deal sites? Well, let me tell you the differences and then I will place a challenge to you, mom or not.

Juice in the City, besides having a really cool name that is so fun to say, looks at what kinds of deals a mom will want. This is not a coupon clipping site where you are running all over the community trying to save a few cents or a few dollars. Take today's deal. It is a great one, an ELAN card for $8 that will allow you to save more than that amount of money the first time you use it. There is an example of a local pizza joint that will allow your kids to eat free any night of the week. Okay, so it is Monday night and you are exhausted, or Tuesday night with a booked schedule, or Wednesday before or after church, or Thursday and you get the picture, any night you, your spouse, and your one, two, three, four, or five children (however many you have) can head on over to that pizza place and pay for your dinner and your husbands and the kids eat free. You have made far more than $8 on this deal and the need to find that ripped, folded, and potentially expired coupon is gone!  If you want to get a hold of this deal right away, click here before they are gone, there were only 100 cards available.

Why else should you consider Juice in the City? Who else but a mom would know that after you run your errands and you are needing to relieve some stress, the Juice in the City deal you picked up last week would allow you a great deal on highlights, massage, manicure, half off retail items for children, moms, book stores, and could you believe it, a car wash. These deals are just made for moms, yep, you read that right, these deals are just what moms need because moms like me sought out these deals so we can take advantage of them as we share them with all of the local moms needing a break in their schedules and budgets.

Here is the challenge to all moms (married, single, widowed, divorced, young, and experienced (I refuse to say the three letter word that starts with O).

This challenge is also extended to those females who are not in the category of 'mom' but have a mom, aunt, sister, grandmother, friend, cousin, sister-in-law who loves to have a little pampering or a lot of pampering done without breaking their budgets.

Then the challenge goes even further to the husbands, sons, brothers, cousins, brothers-in-law (to make it easier for everyone, EVERY MALE ALIVE) to subscribe to Juice in the City for two weeks. ***just a BROWNIE POINT note, if you want to show the female in your life that she is incredibly special and deserving of any one of these awesome deals, then just sign up and pick out any number of deals your special female can use****

All of you, subscribe to Juice in the City for two weeks and check out the deals that have been selected for you and consider who in your life could not stand to have a little bit of pampering, money savings on the services, products, and items you need anyways.When you subscribe to Juice in the City, here is the only catch. You have to open the email every day for that two week period to review the deals that are available.EVERYDAY!!!!! Do not miss one deal. I am not saying you have to purchase a deal or one deal each day. I am saying you have to subscribe and open up the email you receive from Juice in the City every day for two weeks. it costs you nothing to subscribe, click and read, but you will save so much money on the things you were going to purchase anyways! 

I know that you will not only subscribe, open up the emails faithfully, but you will also find yourself picking up a deal for yourself, your spouse, children, friends, and relative. You will forward these emails on to your friends (better yet, just have them click the links in this posting, twitter or Facebook feed, can it be any easier to share Juice in the City? NO, this is so simple, so wonderful, and so juicy you have to share with everyone!

I have made Juice in the City easy to get to by adding links all throughout the post. I will leave it up to you to take a peek at what is making Juice in the City the best source of deals for moms!

Taking care of the written word,

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