Monday, July 11, 2011

Influenster and a cool VOXBOX

Can getting freebies be any better? It can if you are hooked up with products you may not have seen before, tried before, or those you have seen everywhere but never thought to pick one up. That is what I found in my Influenster VOXBOX delivered to my door in June.

The box contained full sizes of SoftSoap Foaming Soap  Raspberry scented, full size Raspberry Mist Pure Silk shaving cream, a Diamondcel diamond file, Montagne-Jeunese Masque, Garden Botanika lip treatment and sample sized Meaningful Beauty kit.

It was my first VOXBOX and I was thrilled to be a part of this delivery of great products. I found myself giddy and could not wait to begin using the products. I knew the names or could identify the products by sight, but I had not used any of the particular products in my box before. I was thrilled with the products, but that did not mean that everything about the products made me happy. Sometimes the scent of the shaving cream bothered me. Other times the wait for the Meaningful Beauty masque to be completed irritated me as I had other things to do. But those were my own issues and certainly not the issues of the products.

Would I purchase Pure Silk shaving cream? Yes, but I would not purchase Raspberry Mist. However, the Soft Soap Foaming Soap was a raspberry scent and I loved that scent. Again, personal preference. Some of the face products, when faced with the humidity in the Western North Carolina Mountains made my face feel greasy and shiny. However, on non-high humidity days and situations, the products were just fine. That is what is so wonderful about this opportunity that I had to try the VOXBOX and be an Influenster. I can tell you that some products work great in areas where there is little humidity, but you may want to try something else if you live near me in July. You may love all things raspberry or dislike all things raspberry. Trying them and letting others know what you think about them for free.....Priceless. (Sorry, just had to write that).

Taking care of the written word,

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