Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How Do We Really Know?

I received a prayer request the other day from someone in our bible study. The prayer request was for the knowledge and the peace about an assignment. The subject was race, the issue at heart was how to respond to someone quoting a verse about not mixing races. You see, the lady from our bible study felt that God was saying she should not mix races. Her children, you see are very precious to her. They are also very precious to God.

Would God not love her or her children if they are part of her and a part of someone from another race? My question would have to be, do we not love others who are of another race? Did not Jesus come to this earth as a babe and grew to be crusified on the cross for my sins and the sins of every man, woman, and child? Did He not die for each and every race? Let's go even further back. Didn't God create every single race known to man?

God tells us in the bible that He is pleased with His creations. Isn't he pleased with the little boy and the little girl whose mother is of one race and the father another?

In the bible it tells us that Jesus is the new covenant. That once Jesus came to die for us, He became the new covenant, and all the rules in the old testiment given to the people of that time to be clean and to present a sacrifice were no longer necessary. We only needed to be made whole, white as snow, clean because of Jesus's sacrifice on the cross. No longer do we need to sacrifice an pure animal, the purest sacrifice had been made in our stead.

No, we no longer need to keep our races clean, we only need to keep our hearts as clean as we can by asking Jesus into our hearts. The God who created us, sent His son to die for us, and loves us does so not because of what race we are, but who we are. His children, there is no better title I would rather have.

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