Sunday, May 3, 2009

Blessings From Above

I haven't written in a while. I have been busy and while that isn't a great excuse, it is the best one that I can come up with right now.

Our family has been through some difficult times and most of them had to do with finances as most of the families here in America are experiencing. In the midst of what looked like the most difficult financial situation in a while, we were blessed.

I have been writing freelance for a while now and the money is there, just not coming in quickly enough for what we needed at the time we needed.

I can't go into many details about this as the situations we faced and the results and the...... well, it is just to embarrassing to go into all the details. I don't know if I can be tranparent enough with strangers that I can't see and have no physical relationship with at this time. It is hard enough to disclose details to those who we felt needed to know.

Thing is, no matter how transparent I wasn't planning on being with you, the truth is, God already knew all of the details. I couldn't hide these experiences, details, fears and mistakes from God during this time or any other time.

I can try to save myself from embarrassment by keeping details from you, but the end result is the same. The end result is that God knows the truth and even with the truth known, God has blessed our family more than we deserve.

I cried out to God to forgive me of my sins,
He simply said, this is how it all begins.
I asked him what he meant by those words said,
He answered, it was all planned ahead.
Confused and worried in my tears I asked, what did he mean?
He lovingly smiled looking at me and stated, the sin of man was foreseen.
My precious Son who I love so much,
Was to be the sinner's crutch.
He was to die and rise again,
So in heaven you would spend,
Eternity when you bring us in,
you heart to remove your deadly sin.
You are a child of mine, forgiven and so dearly loved,
By your Father up above.

Struggling to become a Lady of Proverbs 31

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